Monday, June 23, 2008

Quantum Physics Mantra Meditations

Quantum Physics Mantra Meditations

Down through the ages there have been stories of the mysterious power of Mantras. Every country in the world has their own set of Mantras.

Mantras were and are used to heal, to protect, to attract love, to attract wealth and even to punish and kill.

Marching armies who chant or sing the same words or songs are sending the powerful energies out in front of them. Vikings used to chant Odin, Odin, Odin as they charged towards their enemies. It is said that the power of Odin's chant caused many an enemy to break and run.

A Mantra, be it a mental intonation, a sing-song, a chant or a full blown shout is all about energy.

In Tibet and India they have prayer wheels with words, symbols, mantras, chants and prayers attached to them. When the wind blows it causes the wheel to spin and pours forth the energy of the written words and symbols.

Since windmill technology in this country is growing in popularity we should incorporate the Tibetan prayer wheel technique into the operation.

What if we painted, in 10 foot letters, power words like, 'Peace', 'Love', 'Health', 'Prosperity', and 'God' on the spinning blades of the windmill.

Look at the wonderful and powerful energies that would be sent out into the environment. Anyone reading this article, who has the power to start this campaign - well get on with it!

Where do Mantras get their powerful vibrations from? The Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

The Age of Aquarius has given us the gift of the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. We can view this as the Mind of God.

There is no time, no past, present nor future there. There is no space, nor distance. Only the HERE-NOW!

The Quantum Ocean, Mind of God responds to our thoughts. Our thoughts and words, which are spoken thoughts, pull the un-manifested intelligent energy out of the Quantum Ocean and manifests it as physical energy and part of our reality. Thoughts create physical reality.

All is energy and all is under law.

The Mantras, chants and prayer wheels contain energy and when they are spoken or spun by the wind they pour that energy out into the atmosphere.

The closer the words of the Mantra or prayer wheel match an energy in the Quantum Ocean, the more powerful the manifestation.

You wouldn't sit in your chair and meditate and intone words like 'blah, blah, blooey'. (Like so many of today's modern inane songs. They create chaos and destruction). Rather meditate on words of peace and power.

I personally do my Mantras every night before I retire. I sit in my favorite easy chair and hold my mantra beads in my right hand. I made these Mantra beads by stringing 40 beads on a strong string. I have a large one that I start with, then every ten beads I have a smaller one to count off the 'tens'. The 'tens' are the smallest. Three size beads.

Repetition is powerful and I sit there quietly intoning my Mantras, 40 at a time.

Just think of the millions of Catholics with their Rosary beads. What power.
And the Buddhist with the Buddha beads. What power. Why give all this power away? Use it for yourself!

I choose Mantras that are very powerful, far reaching and suitable for creating, a more powerful future reality for myself.

I Will share four of them with you.

(1) "I am an infinite being dwelling in the light surrounded and supported by spiritual powers."

Look at the powerful key words I am pulling out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God and into my reality. What do you put in your psyche before retiring? Rap music? TV nonsense or the News? You are literally destroying any chances for a better future for yourself. What you carry in your aura creates your life.

(2) "I dwell in perfect peace profound, my kingdom now is here and found."

Wonderful peaceful energy for bedtime.

(3) "God Guides
God Provides
God Heals
God Reveals
God Protects
God Perfects."

A constant reminder that I am not in control.

(4) "Absolute Power
Limitless Light
Infinite harmony
Eternal Duration."

If you can think of four more powerful words than these that you would like to manifest into your life - go for it.

Mantras + Power Words + Quantum Physics+ + Mind of God + Repetition = Health, Wealth and Happiness.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Quantum Physics and Critical Mass

Critical Mass

The one most frequently asked question when it comes to timing is "when?" Everyone wants to know when. When will I get rich? When will I get healthy? When will I meet my love? When will anything happen?

I am sure, being a mathematician myself, that there is a mathematical formula that can tell us exactly how long it will take from the start of your project: wish, desire, continuous thought to it's physical manifestation in your life.

I must confess that I do not know the mathematical formula, nor do I know how to calculate it. This being mainly because there are so many variables involved. Each person with each wish. thought or desire would be a different equation. There is no way to make one generalization here for everybody.

Therefore let us go with what we do know. We know that as a Solar System we have rotated counter-clockwise around our Galactic Sun so that now we are in an area of Space called the Age of Aquarius.

As a Solar System and a race of humans, we have never been here before; so we really do not know what to expect. But, we can look at what we have already found out from the Age of Aquarius and use it.

We now have the Laws of Quantum Physics which tell us that there exists an infinite Ocean of Thinking, Intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean in the Mind of God. There is no time, no past, present nor future in this Quantum Ocean, Mind of God only the NOW.

Everything that ever was, is or will be is in the Quantum Ocean. It is as if the Creator God, the Grand Architect of the Universe placed everything he knew (which is infinite) into an ocean of thinking, energy for our use.

This Ocean of Thinking energy responds to our thoughts. What we think about attracts from the Quantum Ocean (where we exist also) the physical equivalent of our thoughts.

The physical Universe is the stage upon which the Mind of God is shown to us. We are the actors on this stage. We can create by our thoughts any part, any play any scene on this stage by using our thoughts.

As a matter of fact the part we are all playing now on this stage of life we have created with all our thoughts from yesterday far back into all our incarnations. We are now what we have thought before.

So, if we are our thoughts, again the question is, "How long does it take our thoughts to manifest into our lives?" The answer lies in the concept of 'critical mass.'

Critical Mass is that point in time, even smaller than microseconds, when physical manifestation takes place.

In the case of ice, when does water in a lake turn to ice? On a hot, sunny day ice does not exist on the lake. But, day by day, as we enter winter and the temperature drops we get closer and closer to Critical Mass. Every day the ice crystals are building in the lake turning the lake first to slush, then eventually into the solid form we think of as ice. The long period of sustained cold forms the ice crystals which eventually turn to ice. This long period of a sustained condition is important to remember here.

At one point in time there was nothing but water, then in a blink of an eye the ice crystals begin to form in the water. That exact moment that the water molecule turned into an ice crystal is called Critical Mass.

For our lives, we all have wishes, desires, and hopes for attracting more health, wealth and love into our lives, or for anything else we may want.

If we want more health, wealth or love in our lives, then we must think, pray and meditate these thought constantly.

Our thoughts enter the Quantum Ocean and like the water that turns to ice, they must reach critical mass before they manifest physically into our lives.

What determines the timing of Critical Mass? How often you send your thoughts, wishes and prayers out into the Quantum ocean, Mind of God? How long are you able to SUSTAIN these wishes, prayers and thoughts? Repetition, Repetition, Repetition is Heaven's first Law. Repeat, and repeat your POSITIVE thoughts.

The second factor is what energies, thoughts emotions do we carry around in our Aura that negate our prayers or desires? Do you have thoughts, feelings, and emotions against being rich, healthy and loving?

Well this will increase the time that your healthy, wealthy, loving thoughts take to reach Critical Mass.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Quantum Physics and the Pendulum

The Pendulum

The pendulum is one of the oldest radionics tools known to man. A dowsing rod, or water stick are simplistic foms of pendulums. A dowsing rod or water stick is used to find water. A Water Wizard would walk around the land with the rod of stick pointed in front of them. When they were over water the stick was pulled down pointing to the ground.

Some water Wizards would use a simple pendulum. This could be no more than a weight hung from a string. The Wizard would take out a map of the area and move the still pendulum, which he held between his fingers over it.

When the pendulum started to rotate clockwise, it was pointing out the exact location of the water.

Strange? Well some of the billion dollar oil and rare mineral corporations us "Professional Dowsers, Pendulum users," to locate oil and mineral deposits in the far reaches of the planet and under the oceans.

You too can learn to be an expert pendulum user. There are hundreds of sites on the net that will give you free instructions on how to use the pendulum plus free charts. Some of them are beautiful!

This article is about the pendulum as it relates to Quantum Physics.

There are also elaborate explanations on how and why the pendulum works.

Some say that it is the telephone link between you and your conscious, sub-conscious and super-conscious minds. But these three classifications are just labels for the one mind you really possess.

Your mind is just a smaller edition of the Creator Mind. What is the greater mind? Well this is where the Quantum Ocean comes in.

We have moved into a new place in space and we have labeled it "The Age of Aquarius." We will be in this place for 2000 years until we rotate once again around our Galactic Sun into the Age of Capricorn.

We have never been in this part of space before and we will need new tools to know how to navigate it.

One of the new tools that this Age of Aquarius has presented us with is the "Laws of Quantum Physics." It is just these Laws that explain why you can use your pendulum to find out anything you wish to know.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. This is the Mind of God, the Creator Mind of which we are all a part of.

Within this Ocean everything that ever was, is or will be exists. There is no time there. There is no past, present or future, only the NOW.

It responds to our thoughts and our images that we hold in our minds.

The Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, knows where every drop of water on the planet exists. It also knows the answers to all your questions.

The Laws of Resonant frequencies tell us that the symbols of an object represent the object in the Quantum Ocean. A map of a field in Pennsylvania, represents the actual field in Pennsylvania.

You can do two things. You can walk the field with your stick and in your minds eye ask where is the water? The thought "water" (the symbol for water in your mind) will be attracted to the water below the ground. Or, when you hold your pendulum over a map and ask about water the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) knows where the water is. You have set up a resonant frequency Matrix with your map so your pendulum moves over the spot on the map, where the water exists, it will rotate.

The Quantum Ocean knows where ALL the water is in that field. The map gives you mental entrance into the Quantum Ocean. With your pendulum you are walking around mentally inside the Quantum Ocean looking for water. You do this looking by moving your pendulum.

Whe you mentally find it the pendulum rotates.

You can use your pendulum to improve your health, wealth and well being.

Look for this in following articles.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quantum Physics Create Your Own Heaven

Create Your Own Heaven

Every Religion down through the ages has described a place where you, yourself, spirit, etc. goes after death.

Since we have moved into the Age of Aquarius, we have been given the gift of "The Laws of Quantum Physics." These Laws tell us that there exists an infinite Ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. The ancients called this the Mind of God.

In this Quantum Ocean there is no time, no past, no present nor future, only the NOW. And we are also told that everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. Therefore all the Heavens and Hells that man has created with his thinking and emotions exist. The Heaven and Hell of the Christians exists in the Quantum Ocean. Asgard and Valhalla of the Viking religion exists. Nirvana of the Brahmins exists. Paradise and all other Heavens amd hells exists.

Where will you go? Most of us were handed down the religion and belief systems of our parents. And most of us go to our deaths and to the Heaven or Hell that was chosen for us by our parents.

How long we will stay in those Heavens and Hells depends on the emotional and mental intensity of our beliefs. But eventually we will all learn the truth and move on to a larger reality. For those of us who don't, well we will once again incarnate into the religion we believed in when we died.

Most Religions have a magical ritual that they perform on the recently departed. This is to bind the soul to the egregor (energies) of that religion so that they come back to the fold.

Religions are so afraid of loosing their paying customers, that they try very hard when they are alive to keep them in place (by FEAR tactics), ie threats of damnation if they wander and with magical rituals when they die.

The Egyptians were very successful in bringing back great souls into the Egyptian fold once again. This is what the mummies were all about. By keeping the physical body preserved, the soul would come looking for it again.

But, like I said, eventually we will all break free from the bondage of formal religions and advance to higher states of wisdom.

How many lifetimes will it take?????

Now that we have the Laws of Quantum Physics to help us and the Energy in the Quantum Ocean, we can start breaking away now. We can create our own Heaven (leaving out Hell unless you want to come back as a Christian again.)

Start building a nitche for yourself in the infinite space of the Quantum Ocean. A place where you will go while you await your next "blinking out" (reincarnation.)

Let me give you an example of what I am creating. I will not tell you exactly because I really do not want any company except those I choose.

There are a great many writers, philosophers, healers and thinkers who loved down through the ages. I have picked out a dozen or so of them who I particularly enjoy reading and studying about.

I went to the internet (another great gift of the Age of Aquarius) and printed out as much information about them as I needed. I also printed out a photo, or print of each of them.

Each evening before bed, I sit in my favorite chair and relax. I spread the prints out in a circle on the small table in front of me. Then I look and meditate upon them, close my eyes and visualize a beautiful open field surrounded by oak trees and beautiful wild flowers. This will be my heaven. Then I visualize a large tabe in the middle of the field with throne like chairs around it.

I sit in one chair and I place my twelve companions in the others. We then carry on long discussions. We each talk about the wisdom of our area of expertise. Food and drink is served.

This is my idea of heaven. At first I thought I wanted my Heaven to be a library card which allowed me into the Library of Alexandria where I would find all the great books. (I hear that they are in the basement of the Vatican at this time.) I would spend my time searching and reading.

Then I thought why not create an inner circle of the men who wrote these books and spend my Heaven time conversing with them. They are all there in the Quantum Ocean, just waiting for me to join them. Now I meet with them in my mind in the comfort of my easy chair.

Create your own Heaven. Don't stay a prisoner of some one elses creation.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Quantum Physics and Your Mind

Your Mind Creates Your Reality

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics. Simply stated the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite, intelligent ocean of energy we call the Quantum Ocean. It is for all intent and purposes the Mind of God.

This Quantum Ocean responds to the mind of man. What ever we continuously think about will eventually manifest in our life. All that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. There is no time only the Here-Now. There-fore the most important tool man possesses is his mind. We have to learn how to use our mind intelligently to reap the fruits of the incoming Age of Aquarius.

Steven Hawkins said, "....The Universe depends on the observer..." What we observe we see in our mind's eye.

All illness occurs in our bodies: but the body exists in our minds. When we heal our minds with right thought, our bodies automatically heal. Time is subjective. It is a function of our mind. It is relative. Sitting on a hot stove seems to last a much longer time than making love to one's wife.

As a race we are losing our spirituality at an ever increasing rate because all our new technology has distanced us from life's magic and creativity. It would be better if we took the computers and video games away from the children until they were at least 14. This will give them the opportunity to discover the magic of life spontaneously.

Life is more magical than mechanical.

We are finally starting to understand Socrates when he said "...He who would change the world, must first change himself." We can do this by using our minds. We do create our own reality including illness and healing with our minds.

Life and the guiding principles of life which we are now calling the Quantum Ocean, or the Mind of God is well organized. We must use our minds to learn how to use it.

Our natural state is to be healthy, but we have used our mind to think erroneously causing our illness. All healing begins with your desire to be healed and a willingness to make the mental change to incorporate healing.

Your body was born ('Blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean) with all it needs for this incarnation. Your soul knows what to do. The more you relate to your soul, the more you will experience well being at all levels of your life. Keep in mind that our bodies and the whole Universe are 1% matter and 99% spiritual energy. Our minds use that spiritual energy.

One of the biggest blockages we have to health and well being is fear. Fear is a function of the mind about something that will come from the future. Fear cannot and does not exist in the present moment. It is a lie.

Your choices and intentions, have an impact on the Quantum Ocean and alters your physical experiences. Your mind, emotional state and beliefs affect both your illness and your healing process.

Think better thoughts and accept not knowing EVERYTHING. Socrates said, "...The only thing he knew was that he knew NOTHING." Think that you are a part of the Mind of God (Quantum Ocean) which is an ocean of consciousness, that is constantly creating good.

You are your own reality creating machine. What you constantly repeat in your words and mind, tends towards visibility in your life. Your real life is totally personal and subjective.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Attract Health With Quantum Physics

How To Attract Health

Quantum Physics tells us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Or you can choose to call it the Mind of God.

Within this ocean everything that ever was, is or will be exists. There is no time nor space; there is only the 'here-now.' The Quantum Ocean responds to our thoughts, words and mental images. It is like a beneficent Father awaiting the desires of it's children, so that he can fullfill them.

The Laws of Mental Radionics and the Laws of Resonant Frequencies as well as "I Am Statements," are the tools we use to contact the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

Within this Quantum Ocean, are Divine Blueprints of all physical manifestations on the Planet Earth. There is a Divine Blueprint for the perfectly healthy body. Divine Blueprints for perfectly healthy functioning liver, spleen, heart, eyes,appendix pancreas, etc. There is a Divine Blueprint for every organ and function of your body.

We have got away for our Divine Blueprints by our erroneous thoughts, feelings and actions pertaining to our health. We have overlaid the Divine Blueprint deep inside of us with a false infrastructure. This false infrastructure is what we carry around in our Aura. Our Aura attracts our life. If we have negative, false dis-eased thoughts in our Aura that is what we will attract, Dis-ease and ill-ness.

But now, thanks to the Laws of Quantum Physics we can reach into the Quantum Ocean and strengthen that Divine Blueprint we carry inside of us. We can disolve all the negative thoughts and emotions about health in our Aura and project perfect health out and in.

It won't happen over night but with persistence and continuous daily practice we can become perfectly healthy again. If our ill health is pictured as a 55 gallon drum of dirty water, then the thoughts and visualizations we project into the Quantum Ocean will be like a spiggot of pure clean water. It will continually flow into the 55 gallon drum until it is clean, Health!

You and create health with your mind. Not with blind faith but with practical, functional daily "I Am" statements projected into the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

Let us begin the "I Am Health Exercise."

Sit comfortably in your favorite chair. Breathe slowly and deeply. RELAX.

Take a deep breath and mentally say:

"I am now manifesting the Divine Blueprint for perfect health out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, into every cell of my body!"

The energies from the Quantum Ocean will flow into your Aura, dissolving negative health, thoughts and emotions. Then it will activate every cell in your body to manifest the Divine Blueprint that has been laying dormant.

Do this deep breathing "I Am Health!" exercise at least three times, or as many times as you like or are able during a session..

Try to do it upon awakening in the morning and before going to sleep at night.

Do not be concerned with "How" you will achieve perfect health. Be Assured that the Laws of Quantum Physics and your "I Am," statements will attract the Divine Blueprints of perfect health out of the Mind of God into your life.

Get up and go about your daily business and let the Laws work within you.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Quantum Physics and Mental Radionics part 2

Quantum Physics + Mental
Radionics = Health

In my previous past (Quantum Physics and Mental Radionics) I described in detail the workings of the Quantum Ocean and Mental Radionics. They are gifts given to us by the Age of Aquarius. We have just entered the Age of Aquarius, and have about 1950 years to go before we enter the Age of Capricorn.

The three most important things i our lives are health, wealth and loving relationships.

Let us talk about health in this article. Quantum Physics, Mental Radionics and Health to be more exact.

We are energy beings. We all are not solid physical bodies. We are several energy fields (Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual) held together by our Aura (Panty Hose) which surrounds us.

In the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) there exists and archetype or blueprint of a human being. This is the cookie cutter that our Soul uses to create a physical body when it 'blinks out' of the Quantum Ocean. (Infinite Ocean of Thinking Energy) into the physical world of time and space.

A brand new Soul, so to speak, or a Soul that is experiencing it's first physical incarnation would 'blink out' and create a perfectly healthy body.

But alas, most of us are older Souls and we have collected down through the a Ages of our incarnations may non-divine energies which have attached themselves to our Souls.

So when we 'blink out' into another incarnation our Soul has to use a physical blueprint that has pre-existing energy blockages and form a body that is less God-like.

These energy blockages are what causes illness and dis-eases in the physical body.

If one were to incarnate into the Divine blueprint for a perfectly health human body, and lived correctly, by making sure that there is a sufficient flow of life-force (energy) to the physical body and all it's organs and cells, one would live in perfect health and function, to probably a ripe old age of 144 + years.

But we have been programed with erroneous ideas about health and living. We live amongst millions of people who support these erroneous ideas. We have in the past sabotaged our health with our negative thinking, emoting and acting.

So, here we are with various physical dis-orders dying off at the the early ages of 60, 70, and 80!

But the good news is now with the Laws of Quantum Physics and the Science of Mental Radionics, we can get back on track.

Let us start with the most basic of health exercises, using Mental Radionics.

The Quantum Ocean responds to our thoughts, our images and the use of our symbols.

The Science of Radionics tells us we need three things to practice Magic at a distance: A Power Source, An Intention, (wish or desire), Thought, Image or symbol, and a Target.

Your mind is the simplest, but very powerful, Radionics device.

Let's begin our trip back to better health. No one knows the time factor. Each of us is different. Perform this little Mental Radionics Healing Exercise at least twice a day,(morning and night.)

Sit comfortably in your favorite chair and relax. Breath in and out softly and deeply. When you feel your are in a relaxed state, start your visualization. Visualize that you are sitting in that infinite Ocean of Thinking Energy, the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God!)

Inside this Quantum Ocean is the Divine Blueprint for everything that ever was, is or will be. The Divine Blueprint for perfect health is there.

Take a deep breath and intone,: "I am now manifesting the Divine Blueprint of perfect health out of the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) into every cell of my body."

See and feel this blueprint (overlay, pattern) settling down over your body. See it's sparkling flecks of white light.

Take three breaths and make three intonations. Sit and relax while the energy of the Divine Blueprint enters every cell in your body and start the healing process.

Here's what has just happened. Your mind is a powerful Radionics device. When you intoned the words 'Divine Blueprint' it reached into the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) and made contact with that Divine Blueprint.

When you intoned, "...... Into every cell of my body....," you gave this healing energy a

Your mind (power source) wants perfect health (intention) in every cell of your body, (Target.)

Every day, do not rush or be impatient. How many years or incarnations have you lived or thought incorrectly? How many mental and emotional and spiritual blockages do you have? Only time will tell, and it will take Time. But it works. It is the Law. The Law of Quantum Physics.

Future articles will explain the use of photos, symbols and images to help the healing process.
Quantum Physics and Mental
Part 1

We have just entered the Age of Aquarius which will be with us fro the next 2000 years or so.. This is the Age of Science, the Age of "I Know," The Age of the Mind.

We have already been given three gifts from the New Age of Aquarius. These are the Science of Radionics, Laws of Quantum Physics and the Internet.

Let's start with the Internet. The Age of Aquarius is designated the Age of "I Know." The time of the middle man, The Age of Pisces is over. No longer will man need to ask anyone else for advice. The answer to all of his questions will be answered directly by himself. He will KNOW the answers to his questions by direct perception.

As we continue on this 2000 year voyage into the Age of "I Know," the Internet will be invaluable for providing the wisdom and knowledge man will need for self direction.

As I write this article wise men and women all over the world are also writing articles, essays, building websites with valuable wisdom and knowledge to be shared by all.

No longer will the wisdom and knowledge of Creation and Co-Creation be held in secrecy by a select few.

The knowledge and wisdom which will allow man to evolve; to raise his level of consciousness; to become more God-like will be available free for all who have eyes to see and desire to search. On the more mundane levels, man will have the tools and wisdom and knowledge at his disposal to attract more health, wealth, and love into his life now. That is the power of the gift of the Internet.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there is an infinite Ocean of Thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. I like to think of it as the Mind of God.

In this infinite Ocean of intelligent unmanifested energy all exists. Everything that ever was, is or will be is in the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God.) There is no time. There is no past, present or future. There is only the NOW. There is no physical space, only the here. The Quantum Ocean is the HERE-NOW of reality.

The most important quality of this intelligent thinking, infinite ocean, called the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) is that it responds to the thoughts of man.

What ever man thinks will respond to similar thoughts in the Quantum Ocean. These thoughts will manifest into the physical reality of the the thinker.

What you think about you will eventually get. Watch your thoughts. What you have thought about yesterday and all the yesterday's before, have created you physical reality or your today.

The beauty of the gift of the Laws of Quantum Physics and the Quantum Ocean is that you can change your life by changing your thoughts.

The science of Radionics has been around for about a hundred years. There are many pioneers in this field, Wilhelm Reich being the most known.

Simply speaking Radionics is Magic at a distance. It is the affecting and attracting the the unmanifested intelligent energies of the Quantum Ocean. You bring these energies into your life to improve it.

Radionics works on three principles. You need a power source, and intention (What you want?) and a Target (Where do you want the attracted energies to go?)

Radionics devices come in all shapes and sizes. From an expensive $5000 electronics model; a home made Orgone Generator to a hand drawn symbolic schematic on a piece of paper. They all work in various degrees.

Now, during the Age of Aquarius, the Age of the Mind, we now have the powerful tool of "Mental Radionics."

We no longer need a Radionics device, unless you enjoy using one.

The mind is the power source. A simple symbol or mental picture is the intent. Your Aura (energy field) is the target.

Your mind has the power to take your mental picture or symbol connect it to the non-manifested energies within the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) and attract these energies into your Aura. What ever energies you carry in your Aura, attracts your life.

My next article will give specific and practical uses of Mental Radionics.